Friday, February 28, 2014

natural Bridge here we come

We are definitely in for Natural Bridge June through labor day!!!  3 months away.

natural Bridge is between Prospect and Union Creek.  25 miles from Crater Lake.  A gorgeous place we are excited to be going.

Considering trying a electric fence for mimi.  You lay it out and she wears a collar that beeps when she gets close and gives a mild shock if she gets to close.  You place flags at the point where she would be beeped as a visual.  We will have to do a couple weeks training but worth the effort.  Our Host camp site is a good distance from other spots and quite large.   

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February thoughts worries and considerations

Geriatric that I am it has taken me days to figure out remember and execute a new blog.  You can teach old dogs new tricks but have to be patient.

Every day there are thoughts about our summer and what we need to  organize for three months of trailer life.  Odds and ends of things like purchasing a bigger tent, a small propane tank with a tree on it that we can run a lamp and outside stove, do we buy a new canopy with mosquito netting or try to attach netting to one we already have, etc...

Trailer stuff like are my batteries getting weak?  How to check that out or is it a problem with the converter that manages the charging?  Do I get a foot for the front jack?  It has a wheel but would it be better to have a foot when sitting for long times?  No leaks in the winter snow rains !!  What quantity of food does our fridge and freezer manage? 

having seen the camp spot I get excited about living there.  It is gorgeous and so close to some much to see. We are considering a Shakespeare play for my birthday and a motel night with a real shower.  And where are the laundromat?     Question question.....

And a constant worry/wonder is how will Mimi our cat adjust?  Can we keep her in the trailer (seems unlikely and how do we contain her??  She gets freaked out by strangers and we will have strangers on a daily basis.

What happens with my house for the summer?  Some options out there but nothing solid.

Thinking into 2015 has even more unknowns.... I have been going through my hoard of memory boxes jettisoning letters and records and old class notes and accumulated stuff of my life.  Triggering lots of memories of friends and times.  What a rich life I have lead...

March is just around the corner, in some ways it feels the leaving time is immanent.  It feels a bit life being on a river float. times of quiet water, some ripples and maybe a rapid or two ahead then out onto a calm lake where we lay back in the boat enjoy the sun go at a slower pace.

We have realized this adventure has brought a feeling of youth to our lives.  It has a juxtaposition of realizing our limitations.  Some things we can't do or choose not to do, but at the same time being forced to learn new things and look forward to unknowns.  I dare say it has enlivened us and fun for us to create something together as we have led our parallel lives in comfort but not created together..

Stay tuned.  Rich