Monday, October 24, 2016

Memories of Memories

Rich's News From Camp Oregon
Monday, October 24, 2016

Memories of memories

Rich at Bullards Beach

 During my first year at Natural Bridge Campground in southern Oregon Cheryl took a picture of me while I was contemplating journeys made in my youth with my family. We would stop near Union Creek and have a picnic by the Rogue River. Sitting beside the Rogue River near the area where we would picnic vague memories surface and a nostalgia for my family arises. All who experienced these childhood events are gone except my brother. Between the two of us we have vague memories.

The past week as we have been traveling up the Oregon coast. I again have vague memories of family. Passing by my old grade school in Jerome Prairie. Passing by Wilderville where I performed a trumpet duet with Jerry whose last name I don't recall. I remember us going up the hill in back of his house to watch crows come to a tree. There were 100s of them. We passed the turn off to Lake Selmac where I remember riding with my dad in a home made sail boat. Something broke and we were blown across the lake and had to walk back. Passing by Kerby where I remember missing 10 foul shots in a basketball game. Passing the turn off to Greyback where we would camp every year and somewhere near Cave Junction a turn off to go down the Illinois River to swim.

When we passed Jedediah State Park I remember camping there and playing in a pick up softball game. Then on through to Crescent City looking for the camp ground we used to use that was right on the beach. But I could not find it. One of my memories there of being 15 and wanting to strike up a conversation with a couple of girls my age but was too shy. Passing by Azalea Park in Brookings and visiting Harris Beach where we saw a dead whale.

Then on to Humbug Mountain Campground where I got the worst sunburn in my life as we camped on the beach with a shallow place to swim. Calling my brother I wanted to verify that was the place and we again both have vague memories.

Bandon, Oregon beach
Then on to Bandon where my father lived but as I searched my memory I cannot ever remember going there. We went to Sunset Bay a lot. I have a sadness that I do not know more about his life growing up. I have memories of stories. Memories of memories told not by my dad but by relatives. One being when he was a young man driving down seven devils highway when he sees the front wheel of his Model A? T? rolling down the hill in front of him. But little about his life there. I know he built a house at one time and his dad died working in a sawmill.

I have other family stories of my mom who was born in Coquille Her father had 3 or 4 logging trucks that he lost during the depression. They then moved to Jacksonville and he worked as a caretaker at the Henley Ranch which is just a mile or two from where my brother lives now.

So vague memories of my own and memories of memories of stories is what I carry. When my brother and I are gone so will those memories evaporate in the mists of time and the mists of our minds. 

Sunset. Subject to interpretation.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Moving On

Rich's News From Camp Webegone
Monday, October 10, 2016

The Geriatric Gypsies 2016
Having turned 70 this year, I have the geriatric part well in hand. But Cheryl and I have been discussing that our love for Natural Bridge Campground has limited the gypsy part of the equation. So we have decided to not return there next year. We will miss this very much as in many ways it is the perfect working environment for us. And daily we get nurtured by its beauty. We are looking forward to embracing other beauty and add a little adventure to our next steps.

We plan on volunteering in other places and are looking online for opportunities with OPDR and the NFS. Transitioning from campers to RVers we find we need at least for part of the time more access to water and electricity. Especially dealing with the cold. Cheryl needs to find a bit more humidity as the dryness here creates sinus issues. And this summer she had an adverse reaction to spider bites. The bottom line is that a bit more serendipity is called for. We do plan on camping at Natural Bridge Campground next year just to enjoy the place without the duties.

It has been an exceptional year. The weather has been great. Very little rain. Which does not bode well for next year and we hear that the ocean will not cool, no el nino, so dry, hot weather may be the norm in Southern Oregon. We have had no forest fires near us and very little smoke in camp which has made it much more pleasant. With a hot, dry forecast for next summer it is probably a blessing for us anyway that we are looking at volunteering on the Oregon Coast. So stay tuned as the Geriatric Gypsies move from Camp Webegone to exploring Oregon.