Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Universe's Little Joke

April first was a moving day for us. Moving from Newport, Oregon to our next volunteer assignment at Silver Falls State Park. As we traveled north on Highway 101 I noticed that the back door to trailer was flapping in the wind. Honking went unheard by Rich. Radio too loud? Eventually, I was able to pull alongside his truck and tell him the news. That task done we continue on down the road. I am now the lead car. After a few minutes I hear car honking, honking, honking. And yes, that dang door is flapping in the wind again. This time I close and lock it and the rest of the journey is uneventful until we arrive and I unlock the door. The lock is now attached to my key. Okay that's three, we should be good now. Rich does the normal getting water, sewer electricity hooked up. During our travel, a short developed so no electricity to the trailer. It is Monday and the electrician will be out Friday. Two trips to Ace Hardware to buy extension cord, surge protector, portable light and another gizmo that needed replacing, we can somewhat function on the 20amp supply line. At least we can recharge our phones at the same time. A relationship saver believe me. It was kinda refreshing a few days of low technology. One light, washing up by candlelight.

Work wise, in April we had two tasks. Two days of cabin cleaning and three days of day use. Day use, we clean the three shelters, litter pick the parking lots and around tables and the grounds. A lovely rest after eating lunch ends our work day.